Monday, September 17, 2007

City Living

It’s something about city living that I absolutely adore...

The billboard advertising last year’s movies, the yellow sign with bold black letters reading “CHECKS CASHED,” a beautifully sketched picture with the words, “Luxury Apartments Coming Fall 2009” sitting strategically between an abandoned building and the neighborhood’s staple #1 Chinese Food and Fried Chicken.

Double parked cars receiving honks that drivers don’t hear.

A group of three 20 year old men hanging out as young girls stroll pass hoping to be noticed while elderly women scurry by wanting to be ignored. A sweaty man carrying a tattered briefcase emerges from the underground and waits impatiently for the little walking figurine to cue him on.

Children being pulled by one arm while staring at a cluster of dirty blankets obviously hidden in front of a black-iron fence.

And then there are the intruders like me, absorbing it all and desperately wanting to relive my younger days. Wanting to understand why I love a smell that those who call it home don’t seem to even know exist.

Chicago was great.


Shaneia said...

WOW WOW WOW that was really amazing!! You are a phenomenal writer Wynt!! Thank you for sharing Chicago with me. That really painted a picture. Glad you had a good time. Guess you didn't get to see Oprah? Cant wait for the next one. I always read them like right after you post them. LOL...I check all the time.

Shaneia said...

I just read this again..."obviously hidden in front of a black-ron fence."
That is so oxymoronically gorgeous if that even makes sense. I have to read this to someone who would really appreciate tomorrow. OUTSTANDING.

Rosheeda said...

And I was just gonna ask you how your trip went!

Unknown said...

i'm speechless, not just because this blog was good and makes me nostaglic for a city that i live in, but because you posted was great having you here and i'm glad you enjoyed yourself. i had a lovely time with you :-)

Jenn said...

LOL ok? Me too. I am glad you had a good time. And Shaneia is right !! A very writer indeed. I am almost needed some popcorn while reading. :)


rashad said...

See, now you have ME nostaligic