Monday, May 14, 2007

Be Intentional

The more I talk to others the more I realize that not many things in life "just happen." From your career to your health, positive results demand intentional behavior.

Short and sweet but I think this concept is major and can be applied to any area of life. In general I think most people have wants and ideas as to the life they want, however, far fewer actually take steps to accomplish them.

For example: I have always wanted a six pack (talking stomach here!) and for those that know me I can hear the sighs.....yes I am "small" and have always been but I don't and have not ever had a six pack. Nor do I or have I ever actually done the work to achieve this, go figure.

A six pack is just something that I have always wanted....especially now, 2 babies later! But this desire for a six pack is just not enough. After 20+ years of wanting one it still has not happened.

This concept seems obvious, right?

Well I believe it’s the same concept for the broader picture of how we live our lives.

It’s easy and almost human to focus on and hide behind life's negatives and allow things to "just happen", but it takes an intentional effort to see the positives and make things happen.

It is far too easy to want a peaceful home. To want disciplined children with Godly values but it takes an intentional effort (and a lot of intentional praying!!!) to raise them to go in that direction.

If we don't intentionally seek out God's will and make decisions that lead to your vision it just won’t happen. Even with prayer and God's grace we will end up living a life that God never intended for us to have.


rashad said...

I feel your pain on the six packs man. I've never had a six pack in my life..even when I was younger. This has always troubled me. Nice to know i have company

Anonymous said...

true true...

Shaneia said...

Its not very often that people speak of intentionally getting to where they are. We really have to take responsibilty for the directions that our lives have taken. And this is a good way to start your life on a different direction if thats whats needed. Remembering to put God first...I love reading your blogs...