Thursday, August 16, 2007

Careful What You Ask For

Every morning before my husband leaves for work he mutes the cartoons, calls me and the girls together and grabs each of us by the hand while offering up a grateful prayer for continued protection as we begin our day. He then kisses us on the forehead and heads out of the door. However, over the last few days I have realized I need to pray a personal prayer of strength and wisdom before I even step foot out of the bed.

Yesterday as I lay in bed prolonging the inevitable, I began my prayer. After saying the usual thanks and praying the common request for strength as I spend my day wiping, feeding, playing and laughing, I decided to propose a challenge to God. I challenged God to show Himself to me in a new way. Out of the blue I had an overwhelming urge to feel God's presence so strong that I would know it had to be Him. I said my Amen's and got out of bed. Selfishly, I assumed this request would lead me to finding 20 bucks, getting a phone call with unexpected good news or something of the sort.

I went throughout the day doing my normal Wednesday activities... gymnastics, Wal-Mart, lunch at sonic, came home for a nap and so on...not once did I even think about my special request.

This week Alena is taking a swim class in the evenings. So after nap we got dressed and headed back out for her lesson. While waiting for her to finish, Jonathan called to ask me to drop Alena off at the water park where the church was having their annual back-to-school bash. A little hesitant because of our already full day, I left Alena in her bathing suit and was on my way to drop her off when I misread a street sign and collided with the car next to me. I was on the inside of a two lane turning signal and I had no intention of turning.

The girls were ok, the other driver and his kids were ok, I was completely shaken and there was some damage to the cars. Jonathan came and handled all the insurance stuff and still took Alena to the park. I went home upset and really just feeling mad. Mad that it was my fault and my insurance would have to cover the man's car, mad that after such an already long day I now had deal with yet another thing. This just spiraled and I was smack in the middle of a major pity party when it hit me, God had answered my request. Instead of Him showing himself to me in a common and expected way, he mad me aware of how for granted I take His GRACE and PROTECTION that he shows me and my family everyday. Its absoultely amazing how clearly we can see and feel God if only we ask.


rashad said...

Thank God you and the kids are ok.

Rosheeda said...

C'mon. Tell the truth. U had one of my moments, didn't ya? Just wanted to roll your eyes and be like 'k. thanks for that one, Lord.' I know you did! G'head and admit it. Ha!

Seriously - I'm glad you and the girls are all ok. (and your title was perfect)

Shaneia said...

Im very happy that you and the kids are ok. But God amazes me!! He constantly lets us know that he is there even when we don't realize it. He is omnipotent. We go through our everyday lives sometimes taking for granted that he has his protective hand over us. Times like these make me so grateful to know him.

Unknown said...

Yes, thank God you and the kids are okay. It makes me think about how too often I take His mercy and protection for granted in my own life.

Jenn said...

I am soooo glad that you and the little people are doing ok. Quick testimony: I asked that very same question.. I asked the Lord to show Himself true to me and oh my word did he ever.... :) My car that day was covered in a mini flood of water as I was headed to Lewisville for work going over the bridge.. No one was hurt, my car didn't have any damage.. AMEN !!!