Friday, April 13, 2007

What?? A TORNADO...

Alena and I had just finished up dinner and I was in the middle of delivering some heart breaking news to my charming baby big girl.

See, before we started dinner, I told her that if she ate her dinner I had a surpise for her. Well immediately after that the conversation went something like this:

Alena: I don't want any Broccoli
Me: Thats good cause we have spinach
Alena: breaks into an immediate cry and begins to stomp and have a full fledge fit
Me: "WHACKUP WHACKUP WHACKUP" hahaha thats me spanking her :-)

Once she got herself together she not only ate the spinach on her plate but asked for more. She also engaged me in a very pleasant conversation. Inquiring about my day and giving me a report on hers.

This may sound adorable and I have to admit she almost had me....because no sooner then she took her last bite, did she bat those big beautiful eyes at me and in her sweetest voice say, "I ate all my food mommy. Can I have my suprise?" she then began to plead her case, stating that she ate all her spinach, all her chicken and her noodles AND she drank all her water.

I had been BAMBOOZLED!...but back to the point of this blog.

I was sitting on the couch explaining (for the zillionth time) actions and consequences when I finally decided to pay attention to the faint vibrations I was feeling somewhere under my bottom. I dug out the phone to see that I had three missed calls, all from my aunt who was vacationing in California. I figured this call must be at least somewhat important and I decided to give her a ring back.

"Are you ok? I was just watching CNN and there are tornados in your area!!!"

I HAD NO IDEA. But within a matter of seconds Alena, her baby CHLOE, her "friend" AleMa, Kaitlyn and I found ourselves tucked away in my bedroom closet.

I was terrified. I mean completely shaken up but trying to hold it together because Alena was watching my every move and up until this point thought we were playing a really cool new game....

Well thank God the alarms finally ceased an we are all safe. But the entire experience really made me think and reexamine the way I handle the many disappointments that are bound to happen.

I was pretty upset with Alena's actions. From the fit to the manipulation but my love is unconditional so I immediately switched gears in order to protect my baby.. regardless of how disappointed I was and how bad I wanted to finish teaching her the lesson while it was fresh. I realize now that I had already made my point and it was just time to move on. Although it would have been stupid in this particular situation, it did make me think about how often I sit in a situation refusing to move on because I have a point to make while ultimately letting a disaster happen around me.


Anonymous said...

That entry was book worthy. I like the way you summarized the lesson learned in your last paragraph. You can title it something like "Lessons I have learned while being a Mom." Haha...well that needs a little refining but you get my point. As you can tell from my phone conversation, I get inspired by coming up with titles. Maybe on day I will make my titles turn into pages of a novel, anthology, or a compilatoin.

Chrystal said...

OK...the WHACKUP had me laughing outloud b/c I could SEE IT!

So glad you guys didn't get hit by the tornado. Glad it was only a lesson and not an actual disaster.