Friday, April 6, 2007

Something New

So wow this blog thing is SERIOUS! I just spent the last hour just trying to figure out how to get this set up and I am still not sure what the heck I am doing....and now the pressure is on. My first reader, my husband, just peaked over my shoulder and said, "let me read your blog". I immediately tensed up and closed the box!

So you might be wondering why am I even doing this?

I have always considered myself to be a good but private writer. To me, reading someone's words is like opening the door to someone's home, brisking past the living room that has been prepared for guest and heading straight to the inside of their kitchen cabinets...more in there then they intended for you to see...

So I think I am proving something to myself by doing this. Stepping out, building confidence and stretching myself...

NAH its not that serious, I just thought it's be fun to do something different.

Now who will actually read this ? I am curious to know...


Nina said...

hi wynter,

i have now read all of your blogs and they are amazing! your family sounds pretty amazing and your daughters are absolutely gorgeous. thank you for sharing:)

Anonymous said...

wonderful share, great article, very usefull for me...thanks